You Have To Pay

Few of us age gracefully, gently, hair color even and wrinkle free. Most of us have to exert some effort, and some money.

I bet that Sophia Loren doesn’t look that stunning first thing in the morning. On the other hand, I bet she doesn’t look that bad either.


You have to work at it and pay to look good into old age. Get over thinking that it’s going to be cheap, and that you can keep on doing the same old thing that you have always done.

You can’t.

It is going to take more effort. Your body doesn’t function the same way it did a hundred years ago. But it isn’t impossible. You don’t have to just give up.

It isn’t hopeless.

This is a video of Ernestine Shepherd. She’s 75. She took up bodybuilding at 71.

She kicks butt. She wears makeup and lipstick while she’s doing it. She rocks.

That’s Aging Intelligently. 

4 Responses

  1. Richard Dempsey says:

    So they have finally discovered traces of the Neanderthal genome in our own set of DNA. Interesting. That means that the discovery that I’m 4th generation West African descent is not so spectacular as thought. I wonder how many Neanderthal genes I carry, not that it matters much. I seem to have received enough smarts to get through life relatively well, so far. I think it would amaze the crap our of any Neanderthal ancestors of 40,000 years ago. Interesting.

    • dempsey says:

      We tend to think nowadays of Neanderthal as an attitude rather than a genome, and I am pretty sure that yes, indeed, there are six degrees of separation between us all.
      However, Neanderthals didn’t age so well, or live so long, for that matter.
      They had no concept of Aging Intelligently because they were practicing the philosophy of Survival!

  2. mary dempsey says:

    Inspiring AND entertaining video!

  3. dempsey says:

    love the lipstick………………

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