King Of The Hill, Queen Of The Organs

Would it surprise you to know that the skin is the largest organ of the body?  Bigger than the liver, brain, heart, or lungs, it covers about 20 square feet. According to WebMD, one square inch contains about 12 million cells, 600 sweat glands, 1300 nerve endings, heat, cold, and pressure sensors, oil producing glands, 10 yards of blood vessels, and weighs six pounds. All of it is influenced by whatever touches it: lotions, potions, creams, serums, medicines, drugs, and surgery. So why do we generally pay absolutely no attention to it? We might take care of our face by moisturizing, but we seldom do the same for the rest of our skin. When is the last time you moisturized your legs, feet, or chest? 

Skin senses our surroundings, permitting the sensations of touch, heat, and cold. It acts as a barrier to the elements, protects us from microbes, and aids in regulating body temperature.

The outer layer, the epidermis, provides a waterproof barrier. The next deepest layer, the dermis, houses sweat glands, hair follicles, and connective tissue, the fascia. The deepest subcutaneous layer, the hypodermis, houses more connective tissue and fat that protects us. Skin deserves better care than I bet you are giving it.

Without protection, skin conditions can develop and thrive: rash, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, acne, abscess, rosacea, warts, melanoma, herpes, hives, shingles, scabies, and ringworm. Any of these sound familiar? In addition, onto our skin and into our system we add corticosteroids, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, antihistamines, and surgery. We need to be nicer. Find some nice lotion, potion, oils, and rubs to use on your skin. For how much you moisturize your face and take care of your hair with shampoo’s and conditioners, you need to take that much care of your skin.

After all, skin tells your age. When your skin is elastic, supple, and looks healthy, chances are, you are too.

That’s Aging Intelligently. 

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