Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Robert H. Lustig, MD, is a Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at UCSF, my old stomping grounds. And he has a new book out, called Sugar: The Bitter Truth. And this video, in which he talks about the effects of sugar on the body. Talk about Aging Intelligently. Leave sugar alone if you want to live long and be healthy. He talks about why it’s a problem to avoid sugar (it’s everywhere and addictive), and what, exactly, it does to the body, bio-mechanically. It isn’t the one time you ingest sugar. One time won’t kill anyone. It’s a chronic problem we have…sugar every day, for 40 or 50 years takes a toll.
The video is long, an hour and a half. So don’t watch all of it at once, like I did. Pace yourself, unless you become so absorbed that you find yourself dragging around the computer so you can get some work done, and still hear the video. The last part is bio-chemistry, exactly what happens in the liver. It’s an ugly scenario.
I’m not saying that I am giving up donuts…………but maybe I will moderate.