Action Step: Grip Strength
We are aging intelligently, one step at a time.
Before you eat,
Grab a water bottle lengthwise, or anything long and round (even a pencil) with two hands, knuckles on top, palms facing the floor.
Roll the bottle towards yourself 20 times, alternating each hand, then roll the bottle away from yourself 20 times. The bottle stays in the same place; you are just rolling it towards yourself and away from yourself.
Repeat at least 3 times.
This is a great grip strength exercise, and it works your forearms: supinators and pronators. If you don’t know what supinators and pronators are, Google them. It will work your brain, and you will learn something new.
Only then, eat.
This adds a habit you already do (eating) to a habit that you want to form (grip strength).
That’s Aging Intelligently