Author: dempsey


What would you do    with your life if you were not afraid of failing? That’s Aging Intelligently

# 4, The 2014 Darwin Awards

 Nominee No. 4: [UPI, Toronto ]: Police said a lawyer demonstrating the safety of windows in a downtown Toronto skyscraper crashed through a pane with his shoulder and plunged 24 floors to his death.?...


You were born             awesome! That very thought is an example of Aging Intelligently.

Death…and Life

It is not death that a man should fear. But he should fear never beginning to live. Marcus Aurelius That’s Aging Intelligently.


Age like your life depends on it.   It does. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Having it All

We cannot have it all and we cannot do it all. We must choose. That’s Aging Intelligently.  

The Green Thing

I didn’t write this, but I applaud whoever did. Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the much older lady that she should bring her own grocery bags, because plastic bags...

When Fear Knocks

Fear might knock at your door, but you don’t have to open it. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Less Than More

Since when is getting    a good night’s sleep something that happens less than more? Are you Aging Intelligently?

Simple Creativity

Making the simple complicated is commonplace. Making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity. Charles Mingus That’s Aging Intelligently