Author: dempsey

Come Monday Morning

Monday morning is the price you pay for the weekend.  Make sure you are Aging Intelligently.

One Chance

You get one chance at life.       Think about that before you do something truly stupid. That’s Aging Intelligently.


Practicing more gratitude never hurt anyone. It’s Aging Intelligently.

Why Head Injury is so Dangerous

Where your forehead is, just above the nose, is an area called the Brodmann area 10. I don’t make up these names. It contains approximately  250 million neurons in each hemisphere, and has extensive...

Action Step: Hamstring Stretching

We are aging intelligently, one step at a time,  moving all the while. Before you eat, stand, bend your knees slightly, fold your arms. Bend forward, head nearing knees. Feel your hamstrings stretching. Leaving your...

Vision & Hearing = Balance

Vision and hearing affect balance. Strengthen them, and balance improves. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Action Step: Ribcage Mobility

We are Aging Intelligently, one step at a time. A rib cage that expands and contracts allows more air into the lungs. More air allows for better mobility, flexibility, and clearer thinking because adequate oxygen is...


Dream.      Imagine. Inspire. Explore. Have Fun. That’s Aging Intelligently.