Habits are like train tracks. They take a long time to put in place, but once you do, they will take you anywhere you want to go. Patricia Fripp That’s Aging Intelligently
Habits are like train tracks. They take a long time to put in place, but once you do, they will take you anywhere you want to go. Patricia Fripp That’s Aging Intelligently
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Charles Darwin That’s Aging...
Start Aging Intelligently today. The process: one step at a time. The road: move everything in your body every day. Click on “wrist drills” to watch. Wrist drills Just before you eat, practice: Hands...
Aging Intelligently
Aging Intelligently is a process
Pain is the body talking to the brain, and most pain receptors live in and around the lumbar spine. Which might explain why, as you age, you seem to have more low back pain....
One can be old, but one should not be elderly, geriatric, blue-haired, past one’s prime, or senior. Those are attitude insulting terms. I could, however, be a grande-dame or a dowager. Ok, maybe not...
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I...
We carry 100 times more bacteria inside us than our own cells. It’s a lot of bacteria, and while most of it is helpful, some of it is not. It seems that bacteria is...