Aging Intelligently: Thoughts for the curious

Is Mobile a Noun or Verb?

I cannot sit in lectures for very long before I begin to squirm. Yes, I am one of those annoying people. I get uncomfortable, my butt gets stuck to the chair, I roll my...

Morning Ankle Routine

It’s morning. You are no longer asleep, but not quite awake, and about to get out of bed. Sometimes, in the morning, your ankles feel stiff and your heels hurt when you first stand,...

How Neuroplasticity Impacts You

Two facts are true: 1 in 2 adult Americans 65 and older will develop the beginning’s of dementia by the year 2030 AND every thought or action you have alters your brain. It is constantly changing....

Why Choice Matters

Do nothing, do something, and/or do something else. Life is a long, endless series of choices. It never stops until you stop breathing. Doing nothing is a decision. Make a better decision. Taking action,...

The Silent, Dark Brain

Our brain lives in silence. And darkness. It knows only what we tell it, and is dependent on our sensory receptors to know what’s going on. External stimuli supplies internal information, which determines how...

What Thoughts Run Your Life?

In a study done in1996, it was established that using “old” words slows your gait. These include the words: Florida, grey, bingo, and wrinkle. Who cares? And why does this matter? You should care...

The Promise Of A Good Night’s Sleep

We know that we’re sleep deprived, and the research shows it. 25% of the U.S. population does not get enough sleep. We stay up too late, work past reasonable bed times, sometimes we even...

Could Your Gut Be Your Superhero?

While we recognize that the gut (stomach and intestinal tract) is impacted by emotions, what we may not realize is that the gut also affects the chemistry of the brain. Researchers refer it to...

What’s A Knee To Do?

Consider your knees as springs and shock absorbers. They allow you to move effortlessly, with no clunking, strain, or hard landings. They facilitate gliding up and down stairs. Think Scarlett O’Hara. Or a Grand...


Good stress is the day before Christmas, anticipating friends and family, plates of good food, and stimulating conversations. Bad stress is having some jerk who was texting while driving rear-end you. And you, in...