Category: Thoughts for the curious

First Impressions

First impressions are correct more often than not, thus making them more important than we usually give them credit. That’s Aging Intelligently.

What’s an Editor?

Become an editor in your own life. Do less, and make it mean more. That’s Aging Intelligently.


Every day, greet the morning with gratefulness. You could have died in the night. That’s Aging Intelligently

The Body You Deserve

Your body tomorrow reflects what you ingest today. To change tomorrow, change today. That’s Aging Intelligently

#7, The 2014 Darwin Awards

Humor for the middle of the week. The Darwin Awards are about people who have removed themselves from the gene pool doing stupid things. [Reuters, Mississauga, Ontario]:  A man cleaning a bird feeder on the...

Eye Crosses

This week, we’re focused on eyes, one step at a time. Before you eat anything: Sit tall, keep your head still but move your eyes, and work slowly. Eyes up, down, right, left. Yes, that’s...

Use Your Brain

See yourself aging well.      That’s Aging Intelligently

What is Good Health?

Work like you don’t need the money.    Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching.    Satchel Paige That’s Aging Intelligently.

Doesn’t Mean a Thing…

Some days you don’t want to learn anything; you just want to be entertained. This was sent to me by my friend Dennis, and I thought I would share it. (A) The number of...


Yep! That’s the ever fabulous me. Aren’t you surprised? Me too.