Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Robert H. Lustig, MD, is a Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at UCSF, my old stomping grounds. And he has a new book out, called Sugar: The Bitter Truth. And this...
Robert H. Lustig, MD, is a Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at UCSF, my old stomping grounds. And he has a new book out, called Sugar: The Bitter Truth. And this...
A speaker with somewhere around 32 books and a motivational company to his name, he encouraged people in business and personal development for 40 years. Zig Ziglar: good speaker, funny name. I grew up...
This was written by Portia Nelson. It’s called “Autobiography in Five Short Chapters.” It’s about change. And overcoming failure. Chapter 1. I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk....
OODA Loop. Stands for…observe, orient, decide, act. Observe your surroundings and where you fit in. Orient yourself so you can best benefit. Decide to take some action based on observing and orienting. Act on...
Every day you have the opportunity to do something important. It could be advising a friend or co-worker. It could be simply listening without injecting your views into the conversation. It could be taking...
I love festivals. They are busy, noisy, crowded, overstimulating, and fun. You have to know that before arriving, or you will have an experience that you won’t fondly remember. They pump us up, show... Here’s why you should brush your hair everyday: it feels good it stimulates nerve endings, which make you feel better it helps you to move better because it is more signals to your...
A Blog about Choice Tea I drink tea. I drink coffee as well, but I grew up with tea, and I like all the different flavors and tastes of tea. There is green, white,...
Aging is a choice that we make everyday. We wake up and choose to age by what we do and what we think. If we want to age better, and more intelligently, we need...
Learning & Movement I went to Phoenix for a week to let my brain rest and work on the things that I don’t have time to work on when I’m here in Seattle. Staying...