Not Realizing…..
Not realizing what you want is a problem of knowledge.
Not pursuing what you want is a problem of motivation.
Not achieving what you want is a problem of persistence.
from Failing Forward, John Maxwell
This is especially true of Aging Intelligently. If you never knew that you could be good at aging because no one ever told you, you wouldn’t try. You would just accept that when you age, your vision goes, your mobility slows, your knees give out, your back hurts, your endurance sucks (literally), and your driving skills are scary. Your choices in life are fewer.
Now, look at the above quotation and decide which area challenges you the most: knowledge, motivation, or persistence. You change something by starting something, and if your goal is to be vibrant, healthy, and alive until the day you drop dead, then you might try starting something now, today, this minute, to effect that change.
It doesn’t have to be right. It just has to be right now. One step, and one change, leads to another.
That’s Aging Intelligently.