Tagged: Aging Intelligently

Balancing Act

There is a difference between a balanced life          and balancing one’s life. That’s Aging Intelligently

Changes: Assess/Reassess

Change is hard and laborious. It is frustrating and frightening. True change is impossible; leopards can’t change their spots. Heard this? Believe it? Why? Why is change any harder than anything else? Is it harder...

ACTION STEP: Hips and Legs

Start Aging Intelligently today, one step at a time. Think of yourself as a Rockette. What do they do? They kick. What do they possess? Great legs, and hips. If they fall, no harm because...

What Struggle Does

Struggle increases brain power, same as it increases muscular strength. Both are necessary for Aging Intelligently.

Start today      to be the person that you were always meant to be. Aging Intelligently.  

Do not compare yourself to anyone else.   Compare yourself only to your best efforts. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Rest Is Not Less Work; It’s No Work

Some days you just need a break. Your brain is overloaded, and you no longer function effectively and intelligently. Ok, you are no longer functioning at all, just going through the motions. Your brain...

Overall Conditioning

Start Aging Intelligently today, one step at a time. This works on posture, endurance, and abdominal strength. Just before you eat, Sitting on the edge of a chair, and without your hands touching anything,...

Smart Choices

When things go wrong,           don’t go with them. Roger Babson That’s Aging Intelligently

Life Changing

How would your life    change if you actually did what you said you were going to do? Aging Intelligently