Tagged: Alzheimer’s

Active Body, Active Brain

Some things I would like to remember. Other things, not so much. The worst jobs I’ve ever had? I could forget those. Getting locked out of my apartment and having to crawl up a...

How Can Dancing Reduce Alzheimer’s?

Dance is a gift that goes beyond barre work, leotards, and a sense of rhythm. It is one of the most freeing forms of expression and emotion. In addition, people who move more, dancing...

How Neuroplasticity Impacts You

Two facts are true: 1 in 2 adult Americans 65 and older will develop the beginning’s of dementia by the year 2030 AND every thought or action you have alters your brain. It is constantly changing....

Could Your Gut Be Your Superhero?

While we recognize that the gut (stomach and intestinal tract) is impacted by emotions, what we may not realize is that the gut also affects the chemistry of the brain. Researchers refer it to...