Tagged: brain function

Even Eyeballs Need To Move

Lately, I notice that my eyes seem to be getting worse. Is it age, or could it possibly be non-use? By that I mean we live in a world of staring straight ahead, or...

Why Care About Walking and Breathing?

Walking and breathing are two functions that we don’t think about. But we should. They impact everything else we do: movement, thought process, sleep quality, stress level, and belief system. We are interconnected to...

An Alien Signal in Your Knee

You manage to injure yourself: hurt your shoulder throwing a ball, tweak your knee walking down the stairs, sprain your ankle tripping over a curb. The injury heals, but the pain persists. What’s up...

Why Smell is Important to Brain Function

A long time ago, even before I was born, smell was considered an important sense. It warned us of toxic berries on plants, poisons in food, rancidity of meat, and unpleasant people smells. We...

How Water Creates Health

Most people think that they drink enough water, but when measured, they find that they drink significantly less than they think. We have the same misconception about thirst. We think we need water only...

Is Mobile a Noun or Verb?

I cannot sit in lectures for very long before I begin to squirm. Yes, I am one of those annoying people. I get uncomfortable, my butt gets stuck to the chair, I roll my...


Good stress is the day before Christmas, anticipating friends and family, plates of good food, and stimulating conversations. Bad stress is having some jerk who was texting while driving rear-end you. And you, in...

What Did You Just Say?

There is just enough time for you to make that appointment, if you leave now. Grab your coat, wallet, keys. Keys! Where are your keys? Dang! Why aren’t they where they are supposed to...

5 Reasons to Include More Omega-3’s

Recently I was at a luncheon and I met a man who is 90 years old, and a woman who is 79.  Let’s call the man Bert, and the woman Muriel. She was a...

4 Systems That Exercise Benefits

In general, those who exercise live longer than those who don’t. We know that. It just doesn’t help when we are trying to climb out of bed 15 minutes earlier to do something about...