Tagged: brain health


A love of learning will keep you young, your brain happy, and an interesting conversationist. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Why Head Injury is so Dangerous

Where your forehead is, just above the nose, is an area called the Brodmann area 10. I don’t make up these names. It contains approximately  250 million neurons in each hemisphere, and has extensive...

How Exercise Helps Thinking

How well, and often, we move determines how well we think. It’s a relationship worth attention. According to John Robbins, author of Healthy at 100, exercise increases oxygen to the brain. Sure, we already...

10 Things to Increase Your Longevity

Know what healthy weight is for yourself, and stay within those bounds. Too much weight increases the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Excess weight can clip 12 years off your life, according...

Good Health is the Absence of Disease

This is common sense. Think about it. There is no other way to describe good health, other than lack or absence of disease. Most people would not say that they have a disease, but...