Hippopotamus, Hippocampus
Lizards grow new tails when theirs is lost due to pretators. Sea cucumbers, when cut into pieces, will grow into separate, new sea cucumbers. Sharks can grow new teeth. But we, as humans, cannot...
Lizards grow new tails when theirs is lost due to pretators. Sea cucumbers, when cut into pieces, will grow into separate, new sea cucumbers. Sharks can grow new teeth. But we, as humans, cannot...
It’s morning. You are no longer asleep, but not quite awake, and about to get out of bed. Sometimes, in the morning, your ankles feel stiff and your heels hurt when you first stand,...
In general, those who exercise live longer than those who don’t. We know that. It just doesn’t help when we are trying to climb out of bed 15 minutes earlier to do something about...
Lack of exercise is killing us. We know that we should move more. It’s good for our health, it extends our functioning lives, and we feel better. A study by the professors at the Academy...
Know what healthy weight is for yourself, and stay within those bounds. Too much weight increases the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Excess weight can clip 12 years off your life, according...
This week, it’s mobility, one step at a time. Just before you eat, pick up one foot, point the toes toward the floor, flex the foot and toes back toward your heart. Repeat 10...
That voice in our head making a stubborn statement is powerful and insistent. We don’t like to be told what to do. The greatest driver for any behavior change is “intrinsic motivation”, the desire to do...