Tagged: health & fitness

Why Head Injury is so Dangerous

Where your forehead is, just above the nose, is an area called the Brodmann area 10. I don’t make up these names. It contains approximately  250 million neurons in each hemisphere, and has extensive...


Dream.      Imagine. Inspire. Explore. Have Fun. That’s Aging Intelligently.

How to Learn

You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room. Dr Seuss

What Dreams Do For You

When you achieve your dreams, it’s not so much what you get,      it’s who you become.  Thoreau

Amazing Brain Cells

The human brain cell can hold five times as much  information as an encyclopedia.  Your brain uses 20% of the oxygen that enters your bloodstream and is itself made up of 80% water. Though...

Games and Aging

We don’t stop playing games    because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing games. George Bernard Shaw

What Is Pain?

Pain is the body talking to the brain, and most pain receptors live in and around the lumbar spine. Which might explain why, as you age, you seem to have more low back pain....

Kicking Butt at 65

This is the result of circus class:                                                      ...

Action Step: Overall Conditioning

Start Aging Intelligently today. The process: one step at a time. The road: move everything in your body every day. We’re doing it, one step at a time. This movement uses almost every muscle...

10 Things to Increase Your Longevity

Know what healthy weight is for yourself, and stay within those bounds. Too much weight increases the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Excess weight can clip 12 years off your life, according...