Tagged: health & fitness

Still Going the Distance

Of all the things I have noticed about aging, endurance is the game changer. I don’t have the endurance that I did when I was younger: age 20, or even 40. This is most...

How to Keep Your Bones Healthy

Your structural frame, the thing that defines your body shape, consists of bones. That makes them important to how you move. Are your bones as dense as they could be? Are you doing anything...

Two Ideas to Increase Your Balance

I used to have good balance, when I was young. Now my balance is awful, and one side is worse than the other. Must be me, aging. Is that you, rationalizing? It’s a common...

Dings or Drama?

The more you think about something, the stronger that vision becomes. Consider your next vacation, the excitement of a new baby, or the fear of scary rides at an amusement park. Now consider pain. It...

Morning Ankle Routine

It’s morning. You are no longer asleep, but not quite awake, and about to get out of bed. Sometimes, in the morning, your ankles feel stiff and your heels hurt when you first stand,...

4 Systems That Exercise Benefits

In general, those who exercise live longer than those who don’t. We know that. It just doesn’t help when we are trying to climb out of bed 15 minutes earlier to do something about...

How To Benefit From Aging Statistics

According to the Administration of Aging (there’s an admin for everything), in 1900 there were 3.1 million people over the age of 65. People were living longer by the beginning of the new century,...


Aging is your body rusting. That realization is Aging Intelligently.

Hard Working Tissues

Some of the hardest working tissues in the body are the brain and the eyes. They need the most care, and the most protection for you to function fully for your lifetime. That’s Aging...

How To Change

Small steps lead to more small steps which lead to slightly bigger steps which lead to Change. That’s Aging Intelligently.