Friday Fun Fact
Good health is the absence of disease. And that’s Aging Intelligently.
Good health is the absence of disease. And that’s Aging Intelligently.
In the middle of your brain, and well protected, sits the limbic system, known as the lizard brain, the oldest part of your evolutionary brain. It’s function is emotional and to protect you with...
Start Aging Intelligently today, one step at a time. Just before you eat: While sitting, find one thing to stare at: a mark on the wall, a pencil, your phone, anything. Keep your eyes...
Self control is a skill that gets better with practice. And forgiveness. That’s Aging Intelligently.
2/3’s of Americans are overweight, 1/3rd are obese. Any and all exercise can help reduce weight. That’s Aging Intelligently
Every one is a genius. If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. Albert Einstein Aging Intelligently
Lack of exercise is killing us. We know that we should move more. It’s good for our health, it extends our functioning lives, and we feel better. A study by the professors at the Academy...
Start Aging Intelligently today, one step at a time. Just before you eat: Stand as tall as you can, reaching both arms straight up to the ceiling and as close to your head as...
Every day, greet the morning with gratefulness. You could have died in the night. That’s Aging Intelligently
Your body tomorrow reflects what you ingest today. To change tomorrow, change today. That’s Aging Intelligently