Tagged: lifelong learning

Diversity In Learning

What formal education does for us is take curiosity out of the equation of learning. We put students in rows of chairs from first grade, expect them to sit in the same position for...


A love of learning will keep you young, your brain happy, and an interesting conversationist. That’s Aging Intelligently.


Habits are like train tracks. They take a long time to put in place, but once you do, they will take you anywhere you want to go.    Patricia Fripp That’s Aging Intelligently

Action Step: Ankle Mobility

This week, it’s mobility, one step at a time. Just before you eat, pick up one foot, point the toes toward the floor, flex the foot and toes back toward your heart. Repeat 10...

Good Health is the Absence of Disease

This is common sense. Think about it. There is no other way to describe good health, other than lack or absence of disease. Most people would not say that they have a disease, but...