Tagged: strategy

Aging Well Isn’t Cheap or Easy

You have to work at it and pay                       to look good into old age. Get over thinking that it’s going to be cheap,...

Who Said Age is a Barrier?

When you get old,                                                            ...

The Difference Between I Am and I Do

There are a couple of ways to think about Aging Intelligently. The first way, and the way most people think about it, is to think about aging intelligently as something you do. As in;...

Action Step: Abdominal Strength

Start Aging Intelligently today. The process: one step at a time. The road: move everything in your body every day. You knew, eventually, it would come to this: core strength, abdominals. When your trunk...

Are You Failing, or Flying?

Fail                                                                  ...

Paulo Coelho

In the cycle of nature                                                          ...

How Weird is Your Mother?

My mother had an odd habit: she would turn down the radio in the car when she felt lost, so she could think. I thought it was weird. …from Aging Intelligently, an engaging, informative,...

3 Ways To Develop Aging Fitness

We want to live well for as long as we can; free from disease, pain, inability to fully function without help from canes, wheelchairs, or a friend’s arm. We need to do something, but...

Why Would You Do That?

Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not  me; I want people to know ‘why’ I look this  way. I’ve  traveled a long way, and some of the roads  weren’t paved. That’s Aging...