Tagged: strategy

When Fear Knocks

Fear might knock at your door, but you don’t have to open it. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Simple Creativity

Making the simple complicated is commonplace. Making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity. Charles Mingus That’s Aging Intelligently

Finding Time To Read

Reading broadens horizons from our immediate family and our neighborhood. It is the beginning of discovery about ourselves and our world. Dr Seuss taught children (and adults) about growing up, becoming who we are....

Sing Out

Those who wish to sing, and even those   who cannot carry a tune, always find a song, and should be allowed to sing. You don’t have to listen. That’s Aging Intelligently

Yes and No

Say “yes” to opportunity,   “no” to obligation, “yes” to adventure, “no” to distraction, “yes” to uncertainly, “no” to guilt. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Adults Have Fun, Too

The more you challenge yourself,    the more fun you will have. And the better you will be Aging Intelligently.

Your Choice or Your Reaction

You understand that every morning you wake up and make choices or react to everything that happens to you that day? You understand that, right? Life is a choice. Even reaction is a choice, just not...

What The Habit?

Habit consists of cue,    routine, reward. To change behavior, change the cue. That’s Aging Intelligently.