Tagged: vision

Even Eyeballs Need To Move

Lately, I notice that my eyes seem to be getting worse. Is it age, or could it possibly be non-use? By that I mean we live in a world of staring straight ahead, or...

Eyes, Balance, Movement

Balance at any age is an issue. As the years progress, and we don’t practice it, balance diminishes. Walking is balancing on one foot, then the other, step after step. Hiking involves balance, as...

Change One Thing To Improve Aging

You can exercise more, eat less, sleep more. You can buy a dog for company, choose fun eyewear, and join meetup groups and mingle. The problem is, you still have the same thought patterns....

Hey, Vision

70% of how we move comes from our visual system. By improving our vision, we improve our balance. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Eye Crosses

This week, we’re focused on eyes, one step at a time. Before you eat anything: Sit tall, keep your head still but move your eyes, and work slowly. Eyes up, down, right, left. Yes, that’s...

ACTION STEP: Vision and Balance

Start Aging Intelligently today, one step at a time. Your eyes need to move to the outer edges of the eye sockets, to help peripheral vision and balance. Just before you eat, if you have...

The Eyes Have It

Have you ever considered how much your eyes work, and how little you think about them? Until they don’t work. Then you think about your eyes all the time. And blindness, inconvenience, and discomfort....

Vision & Hearing = Balance

Vision and hearing affect balance. Strengthen them, and balance improves. That’s Aging Intelligently.