The 86 Year Old Gymnast

A video was sent to me by my friend Jen. She thought I might enjoy it.

I did. I think that you will as well.

Meet Johanna Quaas. Watch the YouTube.

She’s a gymnast. She’s German, from East Germany before German reunification.  She trained for gymnastics as a child, then moved on to handball when gymnastics was banned by the Allied Control Council. I love that name; it sounds so official, important, and controlling. The Allied Control Council. You wouldn’t want to cross them. They might send you to the Allied Control Center: a place for citizens who have their own ideas about directing their life.

She trained gymnastic coaches. She wrote a gymnastic text. She trained gymnastics for the 1964 Olympics.

Oh yeah, 1964.

At age 57, Johanna took up gymnastics competition again. She’s been winning what I imagine is Master’s competition ever since.

In Sept, 2012, it was announced that Johanna Quaas has made it into The Guinness Book of Records as the oldest gymnast in the world.

Johanna is 86 years old.

Old People Rock!

This is Aging Intelligently.

1 Response

  1. mary dempsey says:

    In seventh grade I had a teacher who was in the 1964 Olympics! (in Gymnastics) She taught the uneven parallel bars, which were so much fun!! That year was the only time I was on the uneven bars too college. Damn insurance took the equipment away!That’s why I really remember her, her name was Koch. She introduced the horse, the balance beam, ribbons and climbing the rope! It great fun!

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