Work That Matters

Every day you have the opportunity to do something important. It could be advising a friend or co-worker.
It could be simply listening without injecting your views into the conversation.
It could be taking the time to honestly play with your child. We don’t play enough.
You might spend some time with a significant other, without your social media interrupting, without the phone ringing, without checking your email.
How about making the world kinder, starting with you being kind to strangers?

This is work that matters. This is how a legacy of who you are when you die is formed. This is what goes on beyond your life.
What mattered to you? And what did you do about it?
What kind of life did you live? Were you productive, or did you just take up space?

When you think outside yourself, your brain engages itself more. It forms new neurons because you are doing new things, not the same drudge of everyday habit.
This might help to keep Alzheimer’s away from you. It’s Aging Intelligently.
I might be wrong about it…..but what if I am right?
It’s your life, and your choice.

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