Author: dempsey

Change One Thing To Stay Young

In 1979, a Harvard University psychologist named Ellen Langer conducted experiments turning back the clock of time. She allowed eight older men the experience of living 20 years earlier. Situations were recreated by her...

ACTION TIP: Grip Strength, again

We are Aging Intelligently, one step at a time. Before you eat, Open and close your hands as fast as you can for 15 seconds. Rest (which you will need) for 5 seconds. Then...

Consider It

Consider aging a job that you have to work at every day. That’s Aging Intelligently.

One Thing

One simple thing that can improve your balance is confidence. Be bold! That’s Aging Intelligently.

Hey, Vision

70% of how we move comes from our visual system. By improving our vision, we improve our balance. That’s Aging Intelligently.

ACTION TIP: Spinal Flexibility

Start Aging Intelligently today, one step at a time. Just before you eat: While sitting, roll your forehead towards your knees, then straighten up. Lift your chest towards the ceiling, eyes and head looking...

Components of Fitness?

Do you exhibit all 5 components of fitness: cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and low body fat? Exhibiting all five is Aging Intelligently.

What It is

Life is not………make a plan, hope it’s right, stick to it, come what may. Life is…..assess, try something, reassess, cheer. Repeat. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Friday Fun Fact

Good health is the absence of disease. And that’s Aging Intelligently.

on Living

The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life. Reflecting on that is Aging Intelligently.