A Generation of Baby Boomers

Every day, 10,000 Americans are turning 65. The numbers are growing. All us baby boomers? We are getting older, being replaced by the millennials. Our turn came and their turn is here. But we baby boomers are going to be tough to beat.

Baby Boomers changed the world in the 60’s. We implemented Civil Rights (finally), introduced the birth control pill, President Kennedy initiated the Peace Corps, and we sent a man to the Moon. President Johnson declared the War on Poverty and instituted Medicare and Medicaid. The University of Mississippi was persuaded (by the National Guard and the Justice Dept) to admit James Meredith, the first African American to be admitted to Ole Miss. The Beatles arrived from England, Sam Walton opened his first Wal-Mart store in Arkansas, the US Post Office began using zip codes, and the Ford Mustang muscle car hit the road. Mary Quant designed the mini-skirt, and what a fashion statement that was. Super Bowl I began in the 60’s, Christiaan Barnard performed the first heart transplant, the Barbie doll meets the Ken doll, the portable dishwasher is introduced, the DNA genetic code is broken, the first James Bond movie(Dr No) premieres, plans to build the World Trade Center are announced, Sesame Street premiers on PBS, and in 1969, 624 pairs of panty hose were produced.

Bring your A-game, Millennials. We’re not done yet.

We’re Aging Intelligently

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