How To Make Smart Aging Choices

Health is dependent on many factors; including genetics, family history, lifestyle, and diet. We cannot do much about genetics or family history, except recognize them. If both parents died from heart failure, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will die from heart failure anymore than if both parents were in a car crash you might be susceptible to that. Heart failure in family may indicate a weakness in that part of your anatomy. It is not a death sentence. Protect your heart by learning to love foods that keep your arteries clear. Stay away from fried foods. Spinach over donuts.

Organs are only as healthy as the blood vessels supplying nutrition to them. Diet matters. What you eat (fuel) is what your body has to live on to function. When your arteries constrict and suffer, you body suffers, the organs can’t do their job, you age prematurely, and illness gets it’s chance to move in, make you miserable, and finally kill you. No drifting off to death sleep in this scenario. Pay attention to what kinds of food you eat. We can probably all eat healthier.

That leaves lifestyle, a big thing that you can influence. Think of yourself as active, not sedentary, and get out there and move more. Stand more, sit less. Jog some. Think better thoughts. We are hard-wired to complain, as protection for ourselves so we don’t run across the street in front of traffic. Instead we complain about it, and step back. But find another option, make some change; don’t just complain and stand still. Believe in yourself, even if no one else does. Be the best you that you can. Find relationships that support you. Drink more plain water; hardly anyone drinks enough. Practice gratitude; it, sadly, is unexpected.

The benefits from taking control of your aging process are enormous: less wear and tear on your body, less inflammatory response, less stress, happier life, clearer thinking, an agile body, less wrinkles, better sleep, improved memory, boosts confidence, and you might always be able to get down on the floor and play with your children, grandchildren, or the dog.

Oh the things that can happen when you pay attention to your aging process. If you don’t make the choice for Aging Intelligently, circumstances may dictate a life you do not want.

That’s Aging Intelligently.

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