Tagged: strategy

Your Brain Is Talking; You’re Listening

“I want to get strong enough to climb the rope”, my client said.   That’s how it started: a statement, a certain amount of strength and a lot of ambition. “Ok”, I said, “we have...

ACTION STEP: Brain Games

Start Aging Intelligently today, one step at a time. It’s cognitive function, or brain games day. Just before you eat, stand up and count backwards from 100 by 7’s. So, 100, 93, etc. Then...

Brain Power

The brain operates on the same amount of power as 10-watt light bulb even while you are sleeping.  In fact, the brain is much more active at night than during the day.    ...

Small Changes, Big Results

From day to day,   nothing seems to change. Looking back, everything changed. Thoughts on Aging Intelligently.

Aging, Young and Old

Today you are the youngest that you will ever be again. Act that age, or younger, and not one day older. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Try New Experiences

Travel somewhere new,   experience something novel. And do it in the new year. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Life Change

How would your life change  if  you actually did what you said you were going to do? It’s Aging Intelligently.

Naughty and Nice

Every day,     be a little naughty and a lot nice. That’s Aging Intelligently.

Balancing Act

There is a difference between a balanced life          and balancing one’s life. That’s Aging Intelligently

Changes: Assess/Reassess

Change is hard and laborious. It is frustrating and frightening. True change is impossible; leopards can’t change their spots. Heard this? Believe it? Why? Why is change any harder than anything else? Is it harder...